Wednesday 29 January 2014

Mother Bear Project

Early in the fall, I was fortunate enough to be able to connect with the wonderful Mother Bear Project, and distribute 200 hand knit teddy bears to my students at the primary school. The bears are sent as a donation and only require a small fee to pick up out of the posta. Their only purpose is to bring comfort to children who may have been affected somehow in their lives by HIV/AIDS. Unfortunately, there are too many children affected by this disease in Kenya, and throughout Sub Saharan Africa. Although this project does not preach the sustainability aspect of what most Peace Corps events strive for, the smiles on the faces of these children made up for that ten fold. And who knows, maybe they’ll remember later in life, that people care and they will reach out to others with compassion as well.  Read more about the Mother Bear project in this recent Huffington post article, and visit her website, Click on Kenya and you'll be able to see more of my lovely kiddos with their bears!

Thanks Mother Bear Project for all the smiles! =)