Thursday 12 December 2013

Hannah Visits Kenya!

So the next few posts are going to hopefully go up one after the other because as you can see I have neglected to keep this as updated as I would like. So after a fun August, I was able to have my wonderful friend Hannah visit Kenya for a bit! She arrived and we did a few activities in the Nairobi area, like feed giraffes at the giraffe center, and visit the elephant orphanage. We also got to see the Kazuri bead factory, which was really cool. All the beads are made from clay that is taken from the Mt. Kenya area, and it is put in a kiln and fired in Nairobi, then hand painted and glazed at the factory. Then we were able to go on a safari in the Maasai Mara, and take a bike safari in Hell’s Gate National Park (where scenes for Lara Croft Tomb Raider 2 were filmed, and inspiration for the Lion King landscapes came from!). Afterwards, we visited my site, and Hannah was able to help with the conclusion of rain tank project at my primary school. It was so nice to have someone from home be able to see how and where I live, meet my friends from Peace Corps, and get to experience the culture of Kenya.
 feeding the giraffes! 

Hannah and I in the Mara! 

Wildebeest migration, crossing the Mara River!
King of the Jungle =)

ahh my favorite! elephants! 

thought this was cool, a wildebeest carcass sitting perfectly with the head still intact.