Thursday 8 November 2012

What's Been Happening

So it has been quite some time since I’ve posted. Well, lets just say the month of October had its fair share of ups and downs. And obviously by fair share I mean everyday, all the time, not my most favorite month..if you catch my drift. BUT with that said, I can confidently say I have some of THE best family and friends a girl could ever ask for. I have the constant support of my mother, who I am surprised has not herself gone crazy listening to my every crazy thought. One of the many reasons I love her. I also have a continuous stream of people at home sending supportive messages, cards, packages, ect. And let me tell you, those are some of the most important things in Peace Corps life. And there is always the volunteers you call up that understand exactly what you’re going through, and make you feel like you are either not as crazy as you feel, or at least not alone on the crazy train.

With that said, about halfway through the month I decided that one way to make myself busy was to start going on village visits, doing interviews and really seriously getting to know my community, the people that live there and how they go about their daily lives. With the help of a couple of amazing Kenyans I have been visiting villages 3 days a week for the past three weeks. This is 9 different villages. Seems like a lot, but I have 18 villages in my sublocation, so I’m actually only half way there. Lucky for me, there is about 3 more weeks until I head to Nairobi for my In Service Training, so I have a schedule for part of the week for the rest of the month! Earlier in the month I had gone around and visited the schools in my area, and found that the girls high school did not have a health club or lesson period. So I decided to create a health club there, and that’s what my Monday afternoons have been occupied with recently. However, this will come to an end for the term soon, because the girls are done with school on November 23rd. We have only met a few times, but it has been really fun, and the girls are great. I’m excited to really get into lessons with them next term and hopefully they will continue to open up and ask questions as they have already started to do.

I also got to celebrate our American tradition of Halloween with a bunch of Peace Corps friends.  A few of us girls decided to be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and we made our costumes entirely out of market day finds, with our shells made out of plastic basins haha. We travelled to Kabarnet, where my friend Andrea’s site is for our get together, and it was BEAUTIFUL. She lives at a pretty high elevation, so her views are amazing. It was really great to get see people after about a month apart.

Hmm…otherwise, I’ve just been trying to keep busy with the usual reading, watching an obscene amount of televisions shows and movies on my hard drive.

Currently reading: The Pillars of the Earth: by Ken Follett (this book is SOOO long. But hey I got time right? And it’s actually really a great story)

Tv Show obsession as of late: Breaking Bad (I’m almost done with Season 4, and yes I watched all four seasons in the past few weeks. Don’t judge.)